Saturday, November 24, 2007

A Happy Outing:)

I love Ladies' night which is on every Wednesday. It's just that it's pretty hard for me to go as i'll need to cab home after clubbing so it's kinda expensive for me. Now i really need to save up cos' i've been spending quite alot. Thank God i still have some savings.

I decided to have an outing with my friends on Wednesday. Before that, i gave lesson to Umairah which was the 4th lesson. I hope to receive my pay on the day but i guess it'll be next week instead.

The outing were all boys except me. It was a little awkard as i only know a few (jiale & jc only). The rest are just all acquaintance & strangers!

Yeah the guy besides me is Harry No More...Hahahaha...surprisingly he knows some of my ex-secondary school mates!

My adorable brother was really concentrating...not bad so how many balls did you hit???

This man, Choi is pretty skilful in playing Billard!

Why don't smile again???

Goldilocks & a Brown Bear

Tough men, who had been though thick & thin

Mei, Kor, Lok

Manhunt Competition hahaha...ladies any pick for you???

After the outing, i met up with a few of my friends, Terence, Chee Wei, Wen Jun to have dinner & movie! We watched Beowulf. Wen Jun's friend, May watched along with us too! The show was alright. I was the most dramatic in the theatre. My friends were laughing at me :( But it was pretty fun. I received my gift (a red necklaces from France) from Chee Wei. So sweet of him! It is really unique!

Crazy Buddies

Beowulf fell into the hands of Angelina Jolie's seduction & beauty...So guys there's a lesson to learn from it ok?

Lovely Necklaces from France! Thanks Chee Wei! :)

It's getting goodbye! Enjoy:)

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