Saturday, December 15, 2007


December is the season for raining cats & dogs. It is also a holiday season to celebrate Christmas. One special occasion was held recently at Chervon Chalet on 12 December 2007. Let's welcome the December Baby, Sandy Pek...

Sometimes a nice pose is needed to take a good picture :)

Sandy, What are you waiting for after blowing the candles???
Suddenly something happens...
the beautiful cake...
has turned...
like this...oh my gosh...
Poor Sandy was 'bashed' by a few naughty ones...Hahaha...keep it up...hahaha...
The crowd at the chalet
My 'bodyguards'
i call her Skate hahaha

But that's not her real name hahaha...
The messy table...leftover unfinished cake
Kaixin & I
Sandy, quickly send the photos that we took to me asap!
I enjoy the day! It was great:)

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