Thursday, October 2, 2008

God is good!

I used to have these fears & worries that i'll not be able to cope & do well for my future. Now my fears & worries have eased as i began to trust in Him more & took up a Diploma course in Early Childhood. I wanted to take up this course a year ago but i delayed out of fears & worries. Then news spread that next year diploma course of duration will be 2 years and even more tedious & costly! I can't afford to lose this opportunity of this 1 year course & immediately signed up for it. Recently i also joined a ministry in church which i've been delaying for more than 2 years. God began to show me to manage my time & priority in life. With His strength & love, i feel happier & healthier ever before. HE has given me so much blessings this year. God is good all the time! All the time God is good!

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